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Legacy Writing Tips! *Come on in! We have cookies!*


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    french_vanilla13french_vanilla13 Posts: 586 Member
    The link lovesstorms gave me explained it quite well, and I actually got it to work! Well, I think I did anyways. I didn't have much time to play last night.
    There's so much to do with Master Controller I think it'd be easy to get lost and forget how to do things.
    @Simmadmeg I've a feeling I'm going to end up doing the same thing in my new legacy with what I have planned. I'm going to have to make her discovered family, family. At least then I know that cousins, parents, and siblings won't be trying to get hitched.

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    SimMadMegSimMadMeg Posts: 685 Member
    @french_vanilla13‌ yeah that wouldn't be good...XD

    I am still feeling down about ending Erin's story even though I have quite a few ideas for the side stories :/
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    puppyluvvpuppyluvv Posts: 16,996 Member
    Oh man, there's family tree options with MasterController? I should really check that out, lol, because right now Winter and Amaya aren't even related in my game which is awkward, haha.
    Our Lives are Better Left to Chance - A Legacy
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    french_vanilla13french_vanilla13 Posts: 586 Member
    @SimMadMeg the first time I found it funny when it said they that a brother and sister had the hots for each other, that sort of changed when the notices kept popping up and they moved in together and got married....I divorced them before they had kids thankfully.
    @puppyluvv, yep, it's definitely really useful that's for sure. Makes it easier to move towns too and take more then one family.

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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    I would use Master Controller to fix the family tree before anybody started flirting with somebody they shouldn't be flirting with.I won't be able to us my Mods for a while because I'm going Mod-free and my regular games are going on hold while I test new installs for Sims 3 games.I'm also currently backing up my entire hard drive and system to my new external hard drive.I was going to buy a 1TB drive and got 2TBs instead.I went with that option because it's the cheapest one for me and I had money from three hairstylist visits I never spent.I used that for the hard drive instead of the hairstylist.
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    puppyluvvpuppyluvv Posts: 16,996 Member
    @french_vanilla13‌ yeah, I have the same problem, since Tennille (the cousin) isn't exactly related to her cousins, I keep getting the "I don't care what anyone else says, I think you're hot!" from her about one of her cousins, or the other way around. At first it was funny but at this point it's just getting weird and slightly creepy. Ahh I'm so glad there's a way to fix that.
    Our Lives are Better Left to Chance - A Legacy
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    french_vanilla13french_vanilla13 Posts: 586 Member
    @Everyone Has anyone else had the issue of switching to another household because of a pet glitching? I kept trying and it kept crashing until I finally was able to manage to split the household up and move the dog out. It was annoying took me an hour to isolate the problem and the dog came from the game.

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    RaeNicRaeNic Posts: 767 Member
    edited February 2015
    @french_vanilla13‌ The dog caused your game to crash? I've been trying to play a family since yesterday, but my game keeps crashing after about 5 minutes maybe and they own a dog. That will be very disappointing is the poor pup is the cause of my current frustrations. :( I'm going to go in game now and take the dog out to see if that's my issue. Thanks for the heads up!

    ETA: Ok, I had time to go into my game a little earlier, removed my adorable puppy from my family's house, et viola! No more crashing. I just don't get it. I didn't have this problem 2 days ago. :(
    Post edited by RaeNic on
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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    I've never had the issue where a pet makes a game crash after switching households though I don't get pets added to families without having to add the pets myself.I can also reset the glitched pets with Master Controller if they're that badly glitched.
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    french_vanilla13french_vanilla13 Posts: 586 Member
    edited February 2015
    @raenic, yeah, I didn't expect it and had never experienced it. I have everyone on free will and every time I left a house they'd adopt a pet. Considering this town only has 8 households, it didn't take long for the whole town to have their own pet. :( I tried resetting her too though and it still didn't work. I've no idea what's causing it. The dog is still in town and my sims can interact with it, but the moment I try to play that household, it goes down. But I mean, she even had puppies so...I've no clue.
    Oh and the picture for the puppy like they're little icon is black, although I have another household I CAN play that has a cat and their picture is black. So I've no idea if that pertains to it or not.

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    lovesstormslovesstorms Posts: 17,823 Member
    Well, I know pets are definitely issues I've heard about since the EP came out. I usually do what Tad does. Use MasterController to determine how many pets I allow in the town. Or even clear them out by "deleting" the strays at times. (Omg, that sounds TERRIBLE!) But, also resetting everything in the town helps too (MC as well).
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    ValoisFulcanelliValoisFulcanelli Posts: 672 Member
    Briefly popping my head in here before I have to get on with Work Stuff: the Nraas 'Register' mod lets you stop all strays if those are causing a problem. (I've had one or two odd strays - mainly wild horses - cropping up after using it, but that's been a very rare occurrence. Normally the mod removes all wild animals.)
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    lovesstormslovesstorms Posts: 17,823 Member
    Good to know! I think I have that already in my game and forgot. Hehe. I haven't deleted animals in awhile, so that's probably why. :s Hopefully, this helps others, too!
    Origin ID: lovesstorms
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    nerogafflingnerogaffling Posts: 296 Member
    Pets, huh... I might be doing some testing and cleaning with some of my families... because the more I think about it the more it sound like the family I have the most trouble with is because of their dog... Never would have though of pets being a glitch it my families before.

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    SwimingliSwimingli Posts: 278 Member
    Hey, all. I'm trying to get back to my legacies following a three year, unplanned hiatus. I actually just got the heir vote up so if you could all possibly check out my legacy. Or just vote on the heir, I would love it. Thank you so much! Cookies for all!
    The Donner Legacy
    The Heir Vote
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    french_vanilla13french_vanilla13 Posts: 586 Member
    @everyone, I haven't had any issues since I got Lulu removed thankfully, Keeping my fingers crossed! With Lulu out of the way I've finally managed to get my going solo How To Train Your Dragon legacy published and I'm hoping to get more done this weekend.

    So my question to everyone is, have any of you ever played the Sims Medieval? I'm needing some help with taking pictures and getting the camera to shift the way I want it like you can in TS3 and TS4 with the tab button.

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    lovesstormslovesstorms Posts: 17,823 Member
    edited February 2015
    I've played Sims Medieval, but it's been months. I don't remember how I took pictures. I can play around with it later tonight, but I'm not sure it'll help you right now. :/
    Origin ID: lovesstorms
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    french_vanilla13french_vanilla13 Posts: 586 Member
    @lovesstorms thanks, I've got a few hours before I can go in and probably won't go back into Sims Medieval until tomorrow anyways. I'm trying to get my sims to age up so I can continue posting for my story.

    Also, does anyone else use Facebook for their sims? If so, you can add me, my name on there is Arcs Angel and there's a link to me through my blog. The link to my blog is below and it's under contacts(of course).

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    nerogafflingnerogaffling Posts: 296 Member
    edited February 2015
    I've got 2 camera mod from Sims 3 in my Sims medieval, one messes with the game, so I just yesterday took them both out , but have not tested them yet... once I find the one that works I'll let you know.

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    french_vanilla13french_vanilla13 Posts: 586 Member
    @nerogaffling thank you, I haven't been in it in a while, but I'm hoping to get in there soon.

    has anyone else had an issue with being able to place down lots in edit town and having the game crash?

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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    I've never had that cause my game to crash yet and it dosen't wreck a save either unless it was already getting corrupted.It works better to play in custom worlds though I've had that work in EA worlds as long as I didn't get too carried away with editing.
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    french_vanilla13french_vanilla13 Posts: 586 Member
    I'm not worried about it wrecking the save. I'm frustrated because my custom world doesn't have a city hall in it and I need one and I was trying to place one down and it would crash every time it would go to load the building on the lot. I can't figure out why though.

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    TadOlsonTadOlson Posts: 11,380 Member
    You might have a custom building placed with a city hall rabbit hole rug already placed and you're trying to place a second city hall.I would check for there being another city hall rabbit hole even placed in a basement of a building.
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    wiredhanna67wiredhanna67 Posts: 402 Member
    OML I LOVE THIS PAGE lol sorry, anyways so many great writing tips :-; I'm currently taking photos of my 1st legacy I'll be posting and I'm really excited but I was wondering I saw someone had GIMP and I was wondering if it was safe sense I really don't want another virus x.x and if you could give me the link if it is safe? :D
    The voice in your head is just me in your headphones, Everyone knows that we're the devils hero's!
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    SimMadMegSimMadMeg Posts: 685 Member
    Gimp is safe. I got it from here.

    :) had it months now and never got a virus from it.
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